Free pepakura files star wars

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When is scale the original with 5,63 percent then is will be slightly bigger as shown down here.įinally i started up Pepkura Designer and changes the scale en re-unfold the pieces to a A4 paper grid. I my case original length is 284 mm and the desired length should be 300 mm. Well you’ll need to divide the New size (X) by the Old size (Y), minus one times a hundred. How do you get the percentage that you need to scale. The first thing i need to do is the Math. The First Order Storm trooper helmet as I want to fit me.

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The First Order Storm Trooper helmet as it fits now. But first things first, i need to figure out how much I need to scale the helmet so it will fit me. So i decided to buy the Pepakura Designer. if i scale the PDF file it wouldn’t fit on the paper. Also the page’s are preset to Letter size, and I’m printing on A4. I have the Pepekura files and the free Pepakura viewer. But here I ran into the first problem, how to scale the First Order Storm Trooper helmet so it will fit me. Storm Trooper helmet – The saga continues For those who don’t know I’m also wearing glasses and need some additional space in the Storm Trooper helmet.

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I finished my Pepakura Storm Trooper helmet.īut as I where thinking about the resin stage, and how to fit the Storm Trooper helmet on my head, I soon realized that it was to small. As you already could read in one of my previous DIY – First Order Storm Trooper blog.